Welcome feel free to look around! Be one of us followers, comment! Hotbuys, Fashion, Everything you have to know! Stardoll Alta Definição- Portugal the most fashion blog on earth!

quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010

Super Supreme

New itens 28/07/10

domingo, 25 de julho de 2010

French Flamingo Party!

Cover of Recherche Magazine.

RunWay 2010 Spring Spoiler , Winter 2009/2010 RunWay Spoiler

RunWay Official Spoiler.

New Itens 25/07/10

sábado, 24 de julho de 2010

Penthouse: Lux Collection

Live Chat with Preeya Kalidas Monday July 26

Keira-V creations & more to contiue..

More info: www.stardoll.com/member/keira-v

Good Price (; Good Buy.

This dress in real costs 11 stardollars and this person is selling for 4 stardollars! Good. This maybe looks you strange but everybody likes small prices than the original :b

Omg Huge Price Small Original Price

The original price is 8 stardollars and this person is selling this item in 494 omg!

Omg Small Prices Huge Starbazzar Price

People likes to sell the things in a huger price like this dress over here the original price is 0 stardollars and this girl/boy who are selling this dress is selling in 17 stardollars. :o Omg.

New Itens 24/07/10

Popular Itens 24/07/10

Tingeling: Rare Itens

sexta-feira, 23 de julho de 2010

Me IcedMango makeuping Keira-V

(Take off the player sound to listen the music of this video or you gonna will listen the two musics at the same time)

Nova Barra de chat, mensagens etc..

Clica na imagem(s) para maior zoom.

23-07-2010 Competição covergirl

23-07-2010 As modelos mais populares

23-07-2010 Super Hot : As mais quentes do momento

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

Popular items 22/07/10 "Again"

New jcpteen clothes

(Unlast the bisou skirt)

(Unlast the bisou skirt, the pretty in pink skirt, the blue bisou dress, the pretty in pink shoes, the white pretty in pink dress, the stardoll shirt and the pretty in pink dress)


Finalmente já encontrei a sortuda que ficará como segunda dona do blog que giro! Continuem a concorrer porque aceito mais duas pessoas no blog.

Olá Hi there.

Olá, queria dizer que não vou estar muito a par das novidades a stardoll por motivos pessoais. Desde já estou procurando uma pessoa que seja a segunda dona do meu blog. Uma pessoa que tenha confiança, verdadeira e que nãos seja hacker e que não mude as coisas já postas no blog (links,noticias etc... tudo já postado).

Hangten real clothes version.

New Spoilers

What i sell and what i don´t sell!!

New Games

New doll only for superstars!

New popular stylish icon!

Candie´s, Abbey Dawn,Mudd and Hangten

(Hangten the new store)

Let´s go Shopping (;

New intems 22/07/10

Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina